Thursday, August 25, 2011

< New Finished Work > Honeycomb Textile Curtain

The < HoneyComb Textile Curtain > is the second commissioned work by Durman, the same factory that produces PVC pipes, among other things. 

I was immediately drawn to the shape and the amazing aqua color of these pipes. Putting them together with the metal rings made it look like a true textile. But only if you look closely, you realize its made out of a bunch of plastic PVC and metal rings. I specially love the movement and flow that it has.

So I hope you enjoy it as much as I did working on this amazing project! ~

Description of the work:
Size: 39'' x 28''
# of pipes: 706
# of metal rings: 3,896
# of hanging rods: 2
Weight: 5 kg

Title: "HoneyComb Curtain" Commissioned work
Inspiration: PVC products/ colors, shapes & sizes.
Medium: PVC pipes, metal rings & stainless steel hanging rods. 
Year: Aug. 2011
Framed Dimensions: 39'' x 28''
Photography: julibd
Price: $- SOLD

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

< New Finished Work > White Curtain

I'm very excited to show off my new project! This is my most recent Commissioned work for Durman, a factory that produces PVC pipes, among other things. I used their own products to built this curtain and the outcome was: amazing wall art specially made  for their executive offices.
What do you think?

Description of the work:
Size: 38'' x30''
# of pipes: 885
# of metal rings: 1,292
# of hanging rods: 3
Weight: 27 kg

Title: "White Curtain" Commissioned work
Inspiration: PVC products/ colors, shapes & sizes.
Medium: PVC pipes, metal rings & stainless steel hanging rods. 
Year: Aug. 2011
Framed Dimensions: 38'' x 30''
Photography: julibd
Price: $- SOLD

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

< See you soon Costa Rica, HELLO SCOTLAND >

¡ Todas las piezas actualmente están 
a la venta con un 15% menos de su valor original !
A principios de setiembre me voy para Edimburgo, Escocia, a sacar una Maestría en Vidrio en < Edinburgh College of Art >, una escuela de arte que, por su trayectoria y prestigio, fue adquirida recientemente por < The University of Edinburgh >. Mi intención durante el próximo año es madurar como artista y que la experiencia se vea reflejada en mi trabajo. 
Antes de irme, los quiero invitar a que vean algunas de las piezas que representan los primeros 5 años de mi carrera artística . Estas piezas actualmente están a la venta con un 15% menos de su valor original, es mi manera de celebrar ésta nueva etapa que estoy apunto de empezar. Si algun@ de Ustedes está en interesad@ en alguna de las piezas y les gustaría verla en persona, por favor no duden en contactarme.


Friday, August 5, 2011

< julibd - art&glass > at "Feria para el Día de la Madre"

These are my new business cards made specially for the fair!
< julibd > will be participating in a Mother's Day Fair at Casa Sede Schoenstatt Escazú, this Friday 5th & Saturday 6th. 
For anyone who needs a special gift for their mothers! You can browse my online catalog at, hope to see you there!
~ photos by julibd ~