
<Abstract Experssionist New York at the MOMA>

This is a great opportunity too see the Moma's Abstract Expressionist collection. 
"...underscores the achievements of a generation that catapulted New York City to the center of the international art world during the 1950s, and left as its legacy some of the twentieth century’s greatest masterpieces."

Open from October 3, 2010–April 25, 2011

<Random Snapshots>
Beautiful lettuce flowers

<Random Snapshots>
Some coffee after visiting Hell's Kitchen Flea Market

<Central Park Zoo>


by the Institute For Figuring and Companions, 
created and curated by Margaret and Christine Wertheim.

At the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Washington D.C.

<Tara Donovan Exhibit>

Amazing exhibit at NYC Gallery

< Some panoramic views... >

< Hell's Kitchen Flea Market >

< Doggies day out... >
-unknown-                           electric Susy

fluffy Humphrey                                  Eva: the cutest pug

< Snow & more snow! >

< Paseo Playa Hermosa >

< Good day Flamingo! >

< Some other doggie pics >

< Playa Pelada, Guanacaste >

< More doggie looveeee >

< Rich green textures >


< Amazing window displays >

bergdorf goodman -fall 2009

anthropology -fall 2009

< Dachshund loveee >

Great sightings: Pacific coast, Costa Rica >

< Delightful dishes, yummmmm >

< Summer in Venice >

< Some of my favorite paintings from the Louvre, Paris >

< Great sightings, Paris & New York >