Wednesday, January 15, 2014

quick project- pattern & color blocks

I sometimes find myself repeating this pattern on and on... I wondered why until I understood that this relaxes me. Very simple and effective way to decompress the mind, just let ideas flow and relax. Then again, this is the reason why I do these quick projects.

In this particular one, the words that came to mind when appreciating the outcome were: stamp, rugs, patten & wall mountings... Imagine this on a greater scale, in fabric and woven onto a wall? Ja ja lots of ideas come from one simple sketch and never know what can come from this later on.
~ drawings by julibd ~

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

quick project- Limón Dulce or Sweet Lemon

Its been a month since I got to Costa Rica for my holidays, and it has been lovely to be able to relax and compare/contrast how different life is here. Not to mention the 20º + weather and constant sunshine and how this is soo different to the scottish one (of course !) ja ja. But this is a great opportunity to really savor and be grateful for our way of life here. 

One thing that I really love from here is that if we fancy orange juice, limón dulce or lemons, we can go out and take it from the tree. It doesn't get better than this (in my opinion). As my vacation is coming to an end, before going back I want to observe my surroundings and record some of the aspects. This is the purpose behind this quick project and hopefully works as inspiration for a new body of work...

ps. Sunshine loves this too ;P
~ photos by julibd ~

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Recap of my last year of MFA

This last year of my MFA has been very full on in a good way. It was a crash course in pushing artistic ideas forward through the different research methods; building a cohesive and concise body of work, further communication skills to support the concept and the development of the professional practice. All of these aspects came together for our final project and the goal was to put on a professional exhibition. First was the Edinburgh College of Art Degree Show where Ode to Intuición made its debut and The Scottish Glass Society awarded Laura Reid and I the Prize for Best Student of Edinburgh College of Art Degree Show 2013.

-Edinburgh College of Art Degree Show 2013- Ode to Intuición Debut May 2013
A month later for New Designers we traveled down to London to show our work among 3,500 newly graduates from all over the UK’s leading universities. In my experience, New Designers was a great platform that jumpstarted my artistic experience because of its exposure, chance to network with a very specialized crowd and all the opportunities that came from it. I am happy to say that I got awarded the New Designers Contemporary Glass Society Associate Prize and was shortlisted in the final 12 for the New Designer of the Year Award.
Also I was invited by Joanna Bird Contemporary Collections to go to SOFA Chicago this October and Collect London in May 2014 and be represented by her as my agent.

-New Designers 2013- Edinburgh College of Art Stand June 2013

 Shortly after all of that, we traveled back to Edinburgh for Graduation. So it was a great way to close up the MFA experience.

-MFA Glass Graduation Proof ;D- June 2013

All of these are amazing opportunities that otherwise would no have been possible and New Designers was a stepping-stone for greater things, not only in the UK but also internationally. Here are some of the pictures of the exhibits since then:

Stanislav Libenský Award 2013. Prague Gallery of Czech Glass. Royal Summer Palace at Prague Castle. Prague. Czech Republic. September 20th- December 1st:

-Stanislav Libensky Award 2013- Royal SUmmer Palace at Prague Castle September 2013

SoFA Chicago 2013 with Joanna Bird Contemporary Collections, Navy Pier. Chicago. USA.

-SoFA Chicago 2013- Joanna Bird Contemporary Collections stand October 2013
And some more new exciting exhibitions are coming up so I will keep posting and look forward to what new projects are on the horizon. Happy 2014 !! to all and hope this year is even better than the last :D
~ photos by julibd ~ 

New Book: Ode to Intución Series

I have been meaning to show you guys my newly printed book of the Ode to Intuición Series. I am very happy with the outcome because this compilation becomes the principal storyteller of the project and portrays my journey as an artist. It is a personal space in which ideas where proposed without any restrictions and consequently, these became frozen moments that synthesized the preciousness of that intuitive thought. 

Looking back, I am glad I gave myself the time to put this book together because the value of the bound collection of sheets is as precious as the final Ode to Intuición Series. Also it is a great way to communicate my research and demonstrate the essence of the series.
~ photos by julibd ~